Power outage takes out major sites

Filed Under News, Second Life, SF Bay Area | 2007-07-24, 15:17

power outage takes out internet sites

A series of power outages in San Francisco has taken a couple of pretty large sites out of commission. Those affected include:
some SecondLife servers
LiveJournal, Vox, TypePad (and the rest of SixApart)
Some CurrentTV servers
Some ZDNet blogs

and the NSFW kink.com is also down…

All of these sites are hosted by 365 Main and I’m sure there are several other sites that are down because of this. Don’t these people have reliable backup generators? sheesh.. where am I going to get my Internet fix from today? The best part is this press release went up shortly before the sites started going down.

SecondLife is also experiencing trouble due to the power outages and has disabled logins until it is back up fully.

Second Life offline

And for us locals, it looks like the afternoon commute might be a bit crazy if this isn’t resolved soon.

UPDATE from SFGate:

At least 30,000 Pacific Gas and Electric Co. customers in San Francisco and the northern Peninsula lost power this afternoon after an explosion under a manhole cover on Mission Street, the utility said.

Witnesses said they heard an explosion at about 1:50 p.m., then saw flames coming from the manhole.
Actor Torino Von Jones, 32, said he was filming a Fruit of the Loom commercial down the block at the time.
“We were standing over there waiting for the camera cue when we heard a big explosion,” he said. “Flames came up taller than I am, and I’m 6-foot-2.”
“Naturally, when you hear an explosion, you think the worst,” said Von Jones, who nevertheless hurried back to work. “We’re Fruit of the Loom — we’ve got to make this commercial.”


Coke in a Corn Field

Filed Under Funny, News | 2007-06-26, 23:41

What happens when a coked up driver being chased by the cops turns into a corn field?

corn field driver on coke

Anyone who has ever spent some time in a tall cornfield can just imagine the thoughts racing through his head. “Everywhere I turn, there’s %$#”*&$# corn! Does it ever stop?!”

Article via Boing Boing

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Vertical Soccer Video

Filed Under Funny, News, Video | 2007-06-26, 22:46

Advertising is a tough business to stand out in sometimes. Some companies do it incredibly poorly, whereas others are able to break through the massive amount of advertising in our market and leave an impression. Ten points to adidas for succeeding in Tokyo with the vertical soccer game on a billboard 10 stories high! The video of the two players kicking a soccer ball back and forth:

via Neatorama

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WiTricity, Wireless Electricity

Filed Under Gadgets & Hardware, News | 2007-06-25, 00:00

My dream come true. Thank you MIT.


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Want an RSS feed?

Filed Under News | 2007-06-18, 17:36

I realized that I didn’t have a prominent link to the RSS feed for this blog on the page and only had 7 subscribers who had managed to find the feed somehow. So I added a link to the sidebar. If you want to keep tabs on Geeked.Info via RSS, go ahea dand subscribe to my feed!

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Photosynth blows my mind

Filed Under News, Tools, Video | 2007-06-15, 16:33

We saw this posted over on geeksugar and had to pick our jaw up off the floor. Photosynth is truly amazing technology and the fact that it works so quickly and smoothly is unbelievable. Imagine having gigs and gigs of photos and text accessible as fast as you can pan and zoom! Or taking images from flickr and creating an interactive 3-D model from the photos! I can’t wait…

UPDATE: We found another video describing the technology and giving a fly-through. There is a comment about how this is a collision between the physical world and the virtual world, but I think this is much more of a merging of the two realms, something we’re going to see more and more of over the next decade.

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Bay Area Maker Faire 2007: Divining Pod, NifNaks, and SRL

Filed Under Education, Fire, News, SF Bay Area, Video | 2007-05-23, 21:30

Wow, what an event. I only made it down for about half of one day and was astounded by the number of people as well as things that were there to see and do. Everyone and their brother who was within driving distance seems to have already reported on the event, but there were a few things I wanted to personally touch on that I found most interesting.

monochrom’s Divining Pod

The Monochrom crew was back in the states on their International Year of Polytheism tour this past weekend. Large balloons, a supply of helium, and small children contributed to an attempt at sending one lucky person to the heavens. To quote Johannes, it was a “semi-total success”. There are tons of videos and photos floating around, and monochrom has a good wrap-up here


Our friend Nifer has been in hiding, working hard on starting her own business, NifNaks, for several months. While we had a chance awhile back to peek at what she’s been up to, it wasn’t until the Maker Faire that she fully unveiled everything. She had her very own booth for the business that’s sure to take off. Of interest to most geeks out there, one of her more popular items was the Flying Spaghetti Monster pin. Her site, NifNaks.com, is up and live so those of you that didn’t make it to her booth can order your own felt creations.

The SRL Show

While there were a large number of things at the Maker Faire that were kind of dangerous (Tesla coils, fire sculptures, power tool drag races, and more) I don’t think many of them truly compared to the unannounced SRL show. They had several amazing machines to show off this weekend, including Hovercraft, Running Machine, Dual Mule and Mr. Satan Head. Destruction, noise, and fire were all the results of this show. Part of it included Mr Satan Head setting fire to a large ball that appeared to be made of cardboard, which burned ever so nicely. However, the wind started to kick up, fueling the fire and blowing smoke and ash directly into the audience. The bleachers evacuated, and people were forced to move away from the fence. This picture kind of gives you an idea of the level of smoke when they began to put it out.

Of course sirens were heard in the distance and the fire department showed up shortly after. It turns out that the event organizers impounded Mr. Satan Head and billed SRL for $6600 in cleanup to the damaged parking lot. Ouch. In addition, one woman suffered minor burns, however SRL covered both her medical expenses and “pain and suffering”. Laughing Squid has some great photos in their post about the show. We’ve got a few more shots on Flickr and Rick Washburn posted the follow video of the event:


Langar: Free Vegetarian Food for Everyone

Filed Under Education, News | 2007-05-21, 11:59

Rubin sent over this link about a congressman who is attempting to live on food stamps, but had his peanut butter and jelly confiscated by the TSA when trying to fly. Comments on the state of our transportation security aside, this reminded me of something I had once seen in a television show awhile back, kitchens that provide free, vegetarian food to anyone. I believe I first saw it on Anthony Bourdain’s “No Reservations”. I pulled up the wikipedia article and figured I’d put a link here to share with everyone and to “blogmark” it for myself. For those too lazy to click, “Langar (Punjabi: ????) is the term used in the Sikh religion for the free, vegetarian-only food served in a Gurdwara and eaten by everyone sitting as equals.”

I wish something like this was here in the states (and all over the world). I think life would be a lot better for everyone if there were full stomachs all around.

(image via mercedesfromtheeighties)


World-Record Rocket Launch

Filed Under News | 2007-05-12, 10:49

The Austin, TX Cub Scout Pack 990 and Boy Scout Troop 990 decided that the current world record for most model rockets launched at once was weak, only 399 at once. The idea was pitched by Cub Scout Ethan Phillips and his father, and the scouts were able to raise $8,000 to cover the materials. The launch happened on May 12th and was a success! While the plan was to initally launch an even 1,000 rockets within 5 seconds, they were able to hit a more than respectful 965 at once. What’s even more impressive is that all of these rockets were hand built from those these Quest Astra kits. Congrats to Pack 990 and Troop 990 for getting their entry in the Guinness Book of World Records!

More pics can be found on flickr here and here and the original press release.

UPDATE: Updated the link to point to the model of model rockets that the Scouts used, not those “other” kits. I’ve heard that Dr. Evil uses the “other” smelly kits for his rockets. Quest not only has some fun rockets, they also have other flying objects.

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Post a number, get banned on Digg

Filed Under Education, News, Websites | 2007-05-01, 14:18

Looks like Digg is getting into some hot water with their users. A story was posted on Digg with the key needed to decrypt HD-DVD. It quickly got 15,000+ Diggs, making it the 3rd most popular story ever. Then it disappeared. We’re not even going to get into it, but here’s a story that has more info.

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